Saturday, October 9, 2010

Katherine Heigel Admits She Has A Bad Attitude!

Katherine Heigl has admitted that she's had to change her ways in the last year after she started reading media reports which suggested she had a bad attitude during interviews.

The 27 Dresses star said she was shocked to learn how to came across to the public:
"I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out where I went off track and how and why and what I can do in the future to avoid that,"
Where have you been Miss Heigl? I've always thought she had a terrible attitude, quite like Kristen Stewart, she's always seemed un-grateful of her stardom! But she admitted she's had to change her attitude:

"I’ve sort of learned as I get older and grow a little bit and get a little less defensive. I can just let go of the tone, and still say what I gotta say, and be honest, and all those things, but maybe not so edgy."

Heigel is in a new flick alongside Josh Duhamel called Life As We Know It.