Saturday, October 23, 2010

Christina Aguilera Still Living With Husband!

There's more news on one of the recent celebrity splits. I reported last week that Christina Aguilera has 'separated' from music producer hubby Jordan Bratman, and only two days later it surfaced that the singer had filed for divorce.

But now it's being reported that the estranged couple are still living together, and there are no plans to move out just yet (madness!!) .

Gossip website TMZ, are reporting today that the husband of the 'Not myself tonight' singer is still living in their Beverly Hills home, which used to belong to The Osbourne's and he has not decided to move out yet.

I reported the other day that Christina was coming under fire by the press for having lesbian flings while she was with Jordan, with sources claiming that was the real reason for their breakup as Aguilera started bringing women home.Well it looks like she's still in that awkward situation now!

But Christina has denied all the rumors surrounding the split, another being that she had a cut lip and facial injuries days before the split, she says she's focusing on moving on with her life now:
"... there have been a lot of tears and sadness. It's impossible to redefine yourself and your life overnight. Thankfully, I have my mom and a small group of close friends who are there for me 24/7 and whom I can trust and depend on. On days when it feels impossible to even get out of bed, much less function as a mother, their support and encouragement have kept me moving forward."
It's hard to move on when you are still living with the man you have just divorced!