Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Paris Hilton Has Been Forced To Leave Japan

It's being reported today that Paris Hilton flown out of Japan after she was barred from entering Tokyo.

The heiress was questioned at an airport for over six hours over her recent guilty plea for cocaine possession. She was delayed entry into the country while officials decided whether or not to allow her to proceed with her journey. However, officials have told CNN that Hilton decided to fly home instead of waiting for the verdict/

The socialite was meant to be promoting a new handbag line with sister Nikki Hilton and Paris took to her Twitter to show how disappointed she was, she said:
"About to take off. Going home now. So disappointed to miss my fans in Asia. I promise to come back soon. I love you all! Love Paris."

Her spokesperson Dawn Miller had said Paris was trying really hard to fulfill her promotional duties, saying: "[She is] trying hard to do the responsible thing, but this is beyond her control. She is very disappointed by tonight's events."

Like I said, you have to accept the consequences of your actions Paris! Not everybody will let you do what you want!